İlayda Arık
İlayda recevied her BA in philosophy with honors, along with a minor
certificate in sociology from Middle East Technical University. Her main
areas of interest include ethics (especially media ethics), social and
political philosophy and philosophy of social sciences.
Email: ilayda.arik@bilkent.edu.tr
Room: tbd

Baran Altın
Baran received his BA in Western Languages and Literatures from Boğaziçi University. His primary research interests are philosophy of mind and philosophy of well-being.
Email: baran.altin@bilkent.edu.tr
Room: H-Z45B

Utku Batur
Utku received his BA in Philosophy from Boğaziçi University. His primary areas of interest are pragmatism, philosophy of perception and Analytic Hegelianism. He is also interested in Ancient Greek philosophy and how it relates to contemporary metaphysical discussions. He also wants to explore the ways in which analytic-continental split in philosophy can be bridged.
Email: utku.batur@bilkent.edu.tr
Room: G-B36

Çağın Tan Eroğlu
Çağın Tan graduated from Bilkent University Faculty of Law with a Bachelor’s degree, along with a minor certificate from Bilkent University Department of Turkish Literature. He is actively involved in civil society in Turkiye with his contributions to several national and international think tanks. His primary research interest is political philosophy, with a narrower emphasis on the notion of state and the concept of authority.
Email: tan.eroglu@bilkent.edu.tr

Zeynep İlkim Karali
İlkim received her BA degree in English Language and Literature from Bilkent University. She is interested in aesthetics, ethics and philosophy of religion.
Email: ilkim.karali@bilkent.edu.tr

Emre Kurçin
Emre graduated from Boğaziçi University in 2024 with a major in psychology and a minor in molecular biology and genetics. His interests in the philosophy of mind include the criterion of personal identity, functionalism, mental representations, and subjective experiences. In addition to these, he is interested in the philosophy of social sciences, analytical philosophy and humanities, orientalism and postcolonial literature, Turkish thought, cultural criticism, and analytical literary criticism. He also follows science fiction literature as a hobby.
Email: emre.kurcin@bilkent.edu.tr

Sarp Özdemir
Sarp graduated from Koç University with a double major in Psychology and Philosophy, along with a track in Cognitive and Brain Sciences. He is interested in questions about how we relate to (represent, perceive, act within, etc.) the world around us; and, as a special case of this broader issue, in our urge to mistake the world for the frame through which we look at it, as highlighted in Wittgenstein’s later work.
Email: sarp.ozdemir@bilkent.edu.tr
Room: G-B36

İnci Öztürk
İnci received her BA in Philosophy from Bogazici University. She is interested in contemporary metaphysics and ontology of art objects.
Email: inci.ozturk@bilkent.edu.tr
Room: H-Z45B

Yiğit Aras Tarım
Yiğit Aras is a graduate from Bogazici University with a double major in Political Science and International Relations & Philosophy. His academic interests revolve around contemporary metaphysics, with a focus on ontology, ontological dependence and artifacts, alongside an interest in meta-ethics.
Email: aras.tarim@bilkent.edu.tr
Room: G-B36

Seda Umul
Seda received her BA degree in Philosophy from Middle East Technical University. Her primary academic interests revolve around Philosophy and Ethics of Technology, Philosophy of Mind, and Feminist Ethics. She has a special focus on Artificial Intelligence, Consciousness Debate, and Gender Inequality, respectively.
Email: seda.umul@bilkent.edu.tr
Room: HZ-49

Turhan Yalçın
Turhan has earned his BA degree in Philosophy from Bilkent University, with a minor in Political Science. His academic interests are primarily centered on political philosophy, the philosophy of history, and German Idealism, with a particular emphasis on the works of Kant and Hegel. Additionally, he engages in intellectual exploration of subjects such as economics, geopolitics, culture, and the philosophical analysis of concepts such as time and reality
Email: turhan.yalcin@bilkent.edu.tr
Room: H-129B

Ecenur Yavaş
Ecenur received her BA degrees in history and philosophy from Middle East Technical University in 2022 and 2023 respectively. Her main areas of interest are social and political philosophy, especially the intersection between economics and political philosophy.
Email: ecenur.yavas@bilkent.edu.tr
Room: H-129B