Title: Mixtures and Mass Terms
By David Nicolas (Institut Jean Nicod, Paris)
Date: Tuesday November 9, 2021
Time: 1330-1530 (GMT+3)
This is an online event. All are welcome. If you would like to listen to the talk please click on the following link when the event is due to begin.
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/99689691457?pwd=WlYzaW1QcFdWK3dJV1JkUUpQNlBkdz09
Meeting ID: 265 888 6802 Passcode: 970143
Abstract: In this presentation, I show that the semantics one adopts for mass terms constrains the metaphysical claims one can make about mixtures like lemonade. I first expose why mixtures challenge a singularist approach based on mereological sums. After discussing an alternative, non-singularist approach, I take chemistry into account and explain how it changes our perspective on these issues.
Web: http://www.phil.bilkent.edu.tr/