Princeton-Bilkent Workshop on the History and Philosophy of Science

Princeton – Bilkent Workshop on ‘Method’

Dates: October 13-15, 2024

Participants: Faculty and graduate students from the philosophy departments of Princeton and Bilkent. Tarek Dika (University of Toronto) and David Miller (Auburn University) will also join as special guests.

About: The concept of ‘method’ as conceived in ancient and early modern times. On the first day of the workshop, the discussion will focus on Aristotle’s conception of method in the Posterior Analytics. The second day will focus on Descartes’s method in Regulae ad directionem ingenii. The third day will explore Newton’s method, particularly in the “Rules of Philosophizing” in the Principia.

Principal organizers: Dan Garber (Princeton) and Alireza Fatollahi (Bilkent).


Note: The participant list for this closed event is now finalized


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