8th International Undergraduate Philosophy Conference

8th Bilkent International Undergraduate Philosophy Conference

Saturday, February 15, 2025, via Zoom

Registration is free but required. Once you register you will receive an e-mail with the Zoom link.

Please click here to register


Conference Program:

(Istanbul time, GMT+3)


  • Tufan Kıymaz
  • Opening Speech

First Session:


  • Zeynep Beste Coşkun (Hacettepe University, Türkiye)
  • Lost in Translation: The Effect of Linguistic Closure on Consciousness and Qualia Studies


  • Judd Audri V. Alcoba (De La Salle University, Philippines)
  • When Cupid Misses: Amatonormativity, Hermeneutical Injustice, and Aromanticism

Second Session:


  • Mustafa Khuramy (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
  • Metaethical Minimalism Without Costs


  • Adem Eren Uyanık (Bilkent University, Türkiye)
  • The Exclusion Problem for Dialetheism

Third Session:


  • Ye Ning Lim (Durham University, UK)
  • Defending the Non-Identity Problem


  • Constantino Themelis (Boston University, USA)
  • Anxiety, Causality, and Cognition

Fourth Session:


  • Diane Sun (Harvard University, USA)
  • Pregnancy Complications: Fetal Parthood and Peter Van Inwagen’s Organicism


  • Evan Jack (Tulane University, USA)
  • Relaxed Realism and Modal Nothingism


  • Closing Speech


Please click here to register. If you have any questions, you can reach us at philstudentconf@bilkent.edu.tr



  • Bilkent University Department of Philosophy
  • Bilkent Philosophical Society


Organizing Committee:

Faculty Supervisor:

  • Dr. Tufan Kıymaz (Bilkent University, Department of Philosophy)

Planning Committee Members:

  • Zeynep Şahin (Bilkent University, Department of Philosophy)
  • Beyza Nur Taştemir (Bilkent University, Department of Philosophy)
  • Beste Kavalcı (Bilkent University, Department of Philosophy)

Conference Moderators:

  • Beste Kavalcı (Bilkent University, Department of Philosophy)
  • Zeynep Şahin (Bilkent University, Department of Philosophy)
  • Emre Çelik (Bilkent University, Department of Philosophy)
  • Bahar Can (Bilkent University, Department of Philosophy)


Call for Abstracts (CLOSED):

We invite undergraduate students from all departments and universities to take part in the 8th Bilkent International Undergraduate Philosophy Conference on Saturday, February 15, 2025, which will be held online via Zoom.

The purpose of this conference is to provide an academic platform for undergraduate students to share their philosophical views and arguments with their peers.

Presentations will be in the form of a 20-minute talk followed by a 10-minute question-answer session. 

Submission Guidelines:

  1. The deadline for submission is January 12, 2025
  2. There is no restriction on the subject matter, as long as philosophical argumentation is presented.
  3. Submissions and all other inquiries should be sent by e-mail to philstudentconf@bilkent.edu.tr
  4. Participants should send an abstract of 300-500 words.
  5. Your abstract should have the title on top, but it should be anonymous and not in any way give away the identity of the author (this is necessary for the blind-review process).
  6. Please include in the body of the submission e-mail your full name, university affiliation, the title of your paper, and your contact information (such as your e-mail address). 
  7. The submitted abstracts and PowerPoint presentations should be in English. The conference language will be exclusively English.

All presenters are expected to use PowerPoint (or similar) slides during their presentations. The accepted participants will submit their presentation slides by February 8, 2025.

Among the accepted submissions that are presented successfully at the conference, some of them will be selected by the conference committee to be published on Bilkent Philosophy YouTube Channel, with the permission of the presenter. Also, the longer version of their abstract of the selected presentations will have the chance for publication in Prokopton, Bilkent University Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy (prokopton.bilkent.edu.tr), as part of the conference proceedings. The final decision about publication belongs to the Prokopton editorial board.


Important Dates:

January 12, 2025: Abstract submission deadline

February 8, 2025: Presentation slides submission deadline for speakers

February 15, 2025: Conference


If you have any questions, you can reach us at philstudentconf@bilkent.edu.tr



Bilkent University Department of Philosophy

Bilkent Philosophical Society


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