New Issue – Prokopton: Bilkent Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy

The third issue of Prokopton: Bilkent University Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy is out at

Prokopton is an annual online journal. It is first of its kind in Turkey as a refereed international academic journal of philosophy for and by undergraduate students. ‘Prokopton’, as a Greek term used by Stoics, means making progress toward truth or being a student of wisdom.

The journal includes original research articles, translations, book reviews, interviews by undergraduate students. There is also a section for high-school students.

The managing editorial board is composed of Bilkent Philosophy undergraduate students.

In this issue:

Can Groups Hold Rights? Rethinking Collective Rights Without Attributed Groups A Moral Status
Hasan Ayer – Ankara University

The Nullity of Non-Consent Revisited
Luchino Hagemeier – University of Hamburg

Universes Out of Sync: A Critique of Scott Alexander’s God-Like Superentity
Curtis Heinen – Ryerson University

Art, Artificial Intelligence, and Meaning
Yaren Kılıç – Middle East Technical University

Psikoloji Felsefesinde Temel Problemler
Emir H. Özel – Adnan Menderes University

The Origins of the Conflict Between Tragedy and Socrates
Hasancan Türkyılmaz – Middle East Technical University

Translation (ENG to TUR): Birlikte Yürümek: Paradigmatik Sosyal Fenomen – Professor Margaret Gilbert
trans. by S. Gül Erdim – Bilkent University

High School Essay: Why Do We Still Need Philosophy?
Yağız Kaygı – SSBL

Book Review: Keşke Hiç Olmasaydık | Var Olmanın Kötülüğü
Damla Belemir Aydın – Bilkent University

Interview: Erhan Demircioğlu | Söyleşi: Erhan Demircioğlu


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