Mary Wollstonecraft worked primarily on social and political philosophy, with an emphasis on republicanism, education and women’s rights. But she also touched on other topics: slavery, aesthetics, marriage, work, family, masculinity, virtue, reason, passions, theology and epistemology.
The driving motivation for this workshop is not primarily to develop Wollstonecraft scholarship, but to show how the issues she discussed are still philosophically relevant and that her arguments sometimes can cast light on contemporary problems. A second aim is to show that the study of women philosophers of the past is a highly productive part of academic philosophy, and to model how it may be done.
Dates: June 1-2, 2017.
Organizers: Sandrine Bergès (Bilkent) & Alan Coffee (King’s College London)
Host department: Philosophy, Bilkent University
Conference program — Conference poster — Abstracts
Sarah Hutton (York) is a pioneering researchers in the history of women’s philosophers. She is a specialist on seventeenth century philosophy and has written two monographs on the period, British Philosophy in the Seventeenth-Century and Anne Conway, a Woman Philosopher.
Hatice Nur Erkizan (Muğla) works on Aristotle and Martha Nussbaum. She is the founding editor of the philosophy journal Arkhe Logos.
Sandrine Bergès (Bilkent)
Laura Brace (Leicester)
Alan Coffee (KCL)
Özlem Duva (Dokuz Eylül))
Patrick Fessenbecker (Bilkent)
Burcu Gürkan
Zübeyde Karadağ (Hacettepe)
Lucas Thorpe (Boğaziçi)
Saniye Vatansever (Işık and Yeditepe)
Roberta Wedge
Gözde Yıldırım (Boğaziçi)
This project is funded through a Newton mobility fellowship.