Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Boston University
Areas of Interest: Phenomenology (especially Edmund Husserl and Jean-Paul Sartre), Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Logic
Personal Homepage:
Phone: +90-312-290 1345
Office: HZ-45A
James Kinkaid received his Ph.D. from Boston University in 2019. Before coming to Bilkent he taught at Boston College and Boston University. His research focuses on the phenomenological tradition, with particular emphasis on the work of Edmund Husserl and Jean-Paul Sartre. He is especially interested in what this tradition has to say about metaphysics (e.g., idealism, monism, material constitution), the philosophy of mind (e.g., phenomenal intentionality), and the philosophy of logic (e.g., non-classical logic). His work has appeared in the Mind, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, the European Journal of Philosophy, Inquiry, Ergo, Res Philosophica, Synthese, Journal of the American Philosophical Association and The Southern Journal of Philosophy. In 2023 he was the recipient of the APA’s Routledge, Taylor & Francis Prize for his article “Phenomenology, Anti-realism, and the Knowability Paradox”, which appeared in the European Journal of Philosophy (2022). In 2025 he was the recipient of the Distinguished Young Scientist award (BAGEP).In his free time he enjoys reading science fiction, playing board games, and listening to music.
Sample publications
Kinkaid, J. (forthcoming). Is Sartre an Eleatic Monist? Canadian Journal of Philosophy.
Kinkaid, J. (forthcoming). A ‘Drainage Hole’ in Being: Sartre and First-Person Realism. Journal of the American Philosophical Association.
Kinkaid, J. (forthcoming). Neo-Husserlian Idealism. Ergo.
Kinkaid, J. (forthcoming). Idealism and Transparency in Sartre’s Ontological Proof. Inquiry.
Kinkaid, J. (forthcoming). Phenomenology and Metaphysics in Being and Time. Res Philosophica.
Kinkaid, J. (2025). Husserl and the Marks of the Mental. Synthese, 205(4).
Kinkaid, J. (2022). Phenomenology, Anti-Realism, and the Knowability Paradox. European Journal of Philosophy, 30 (3): 1010-27. [awarded the APA’s Routledge, Taylor & Francis Prize]
Kinkaid, J. (2022). Hermeneutics in Heidegger’s Science of Being. The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 60 (2): 194-220.
Kinkaid, J. (2020). What Would a Phenomenology of Logic Look Like? Mind, 129 (516): 1009-31.
Kinkaid, J. (2020). Phenomenology and the Stratification of Reality, European Journal of Philosophy, 28 (4): 892-910.
Kinkaid, J. (2019). Phenomenology, Idealism, and the Legacy of Kant. British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 27 (3): 593-614.