Short course on counterfactuals by Alan Hajek

“Short course on counterfactuals & masterclass on philosophical writing”

Note: This course is already full.

By Alan Hájek (ANU, Philosophy)

Dates: June 10-14 & 17

Host department: Bilkent, Philosophy

Please contact the department chair for further details.

Biography: Alan Hájek studied statistics and mathematics at the University of Melbourne (B.Sc. (Hons.) 1982), where he won the Dwight Prize in Statistics. He took an M.A. in philosophy at the University of Western Ontario (1986) and a Ph.D. in philosophy at Princeton University (1993), winning the Porter Ogden Jacobus fellowship, the highest honorific fellowship awarded by the Graduate School. He has taught at the University of Melbourne (1990) and at Caltech (1992-2004), where he received the Associated Students of California Institute of Technology Teaching Award (2004). He has also spent time as a visiting professor at MIT (1995), Auckland University (2000), Singapore Management University (2005), and Sun Yat-Sen University (2007). Hájek joined the Philosophy Program at RSSS, ANU, as Professor of Philosophy in February 2005. He has published in a number of journals including Philosophical Review, Mind, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Analysis, Philosophical Studies, and British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. He is the editor of The Oxford Handbook of Probability and Philosophy (OUP, 2016) and Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion (OUP, 2008).


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