Örsan Öymen (Işık University)
“Hume and Causality”
Date: Friday 21 April, 2017
Time: 1440-1630
Place: G160
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to explicate David Hume’s analysis of causality in the framework of his Epistemology and Philosophy of Religion. Hume’s theory of impressions, ideas, a priori and a posteriori reasonings, facts, existence and causality will be analyzed in relation to his objections against the cosmological and teleological arguments regarding the existence and attributes of God. The aim of the paper is to show that Hume’s analysis of causality can not be apprehended and evaluated apart from his arguments regarding religion. To avoid out of context interpretations of Hume will enable us to see that Hume’s main concern is not to challenge and discredit the principle of causality but rather to prove that the principle of causality can not be implemented in matters of religion and theology.