Workshop on the History of Modal Metaphysics
Dates: April 29 – May 2, 2025 Location: Bilkent University About: We will spend a day on ancient theories of modality (especially Aristotle’s), a day on the medieval and Islamic […]
The Department of Philosophy has established a reputation for world-class research and teaching. Its members have published articles in renowned international journals, as well as books with leading international presses. We are an internationally diverse department, with eleven different nationalities represented among our faculty. Our research encompasses all the major areas of contemporary analytical philosophy, as well as the history of philosophy. We offer Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral degrees in philosophy. Additionally, we have a philosophy minor program for students majoring in other subjects. Our students are active participants in the life of the department, helping to organize conferences, PhilFest, the philosophical lexicon, and our undergraduate journal.